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Configure the database

uPortal is configured to use a file-based HSQL database by default.

This database configuration is not suitable for production deployments and best used for testing purposes.

uPortal does support a number of popular production-class databases and you can configure the database by following the examples posted under Production Database Configuration.

Step 1: Capture the database driver version

After determining the driver’s Maven coordinates, open file, and add the driver version coordinate as a property value.

For example, the MS SQL Server driver version is captured in mssqlJdbcVersion below:


Step 2: Add the database driver dependency

Open overlays/build.gradle file, and add the driver coordinates below the hsqldb coordinates around line 46. Make sure to use the version property defined in the first step.

As an example, a driver for SQL Server is added:

    dependencies {
         * Add additional JDBC driver jars to the 'jdbc' configuration below;
         * do not remove the hsqldb driver jar that is already listed.
        jdbc "org.hsqldb:hsqldb:${hsqldbVersion}"
        jdbc "${mssqlJdbcVersion}"

Step 3: Capture generic details

While credentials and database URL should not be saved to your repo, driver class, dialect and validation query can usually be persisted without security concerns.

In etc/portal/, save database details that are consistent across environments:
hibernate.connection.validationQuery=select 1

Step 4: Copy to local environment location and add credentials and URL

In uPortal 5, deployers are strongly encouraged to configure a local portal.home directory to keep configuration that is specific to the environment but should not be captured in a repo. In particular, database and other service credentials should not be captured. If portal.home is not configured, the default is the portal/ directory in Tomcat.

During ./gradlew portalInit or ./gradlew tomcatInstall, the files from the repo’s etc/portal/ directory are copied to portal.home. One of those two tasks is a pre-requisite to this step.

In in the portal.home directory, edit the connection details:
hibernate.connection.url=[actual URL for this server]
hibernate.connection.username=[actual user for this db]
hibernate.connection.password=[actual password for this db]
hibernate.connection.validationQuery=select 1

Step 5: Specific portlet / uPortal database configuration (optional)

The default configuration come from the file in the portal.home directory to deploy all applications. But it’s possible to define a specific configuration per application/portlet, the will be always used but it could be overridden by a specific property file if found.

For the uPortal database you will need to add database’s’ properties from into file. For each portlets you should define same properties by adding the into the portal.home directory, where is the file name defined in the portlet spring context definition sources. As example, for NewsReaderPortlet the named file will be, the file name can be found in the NewsReaderPortlet project here.

Note: Also these files can be used for other properties !

uPortal Production Database Configuration

Select the database below for notes and examples of configuration.