Using uPortal with PostgreSQL
Step 1: Identify the driver version
The PostgreSQL driver is available in The Central Repository.
Search for package org.postgresql.postgresql
and note the latest available version.
Step 2: Configure the database connection properties
Modify etc/portal/
to connect to an existing Postgres database.
For example, connect to a database named uportal5
owned by user admin
with password secret
as follows:
hibernate.connection.validationQuery=select version();
Step 3: Add the database driver
In overlays/build.gradle
add the following line below the line for hsqldb
jdbc "org.postgresql:postgresql:${postgresqlDriverVersion}"
can be defined in
. Otherwise, substitute ${postgresqlDriverVersion}
with the version number found in step 1.
Step 4: Build and Deploy
You can execute the command below to build the database tables and copy files to your servlet container.
Executing the command ./gradlew portalInit
will drop and recreate the database tables and all existing data will be lost
. This will result in a clean uPortal database structure. If you want to keep the contents of your existing database, use
./gradlew tomcatDeploy