
Enterprise open source portal built by and for the higher education community.

This project is maintained by uPortal-Project

Building uPortal

uPortal uses Gradle for its project configuration and build system. uPortal comes with a Gradle wrapper if you don’t want to install the build tool (./gradlew in the root directory of the repo).


Unless you have a specific reason to build uPortal directly from the repo, uPortal-start is the recommended way to deploy uPortal builds. By using uPortal-start, there are gradle tasks that allow ingestion of the data xml files used to customize uPortal.

Install uPortal to Maven Local

When making changes in the uPortal code base, and wanting to test them locally, build uPortal and store the binary in your Maven local repo. You can do so from the uPortal base directory:

./gradlew install

Gradle tasks

For a full list of uPortal Gradle tasks run ./gradlew tasks from the root directory.