

What is a WebJar?

WebJars are client-side web libraries packaged into JAR files.

Use a WebJar with Maven

  1. Visit https://www.webjars.org
  2. Enter the package name into search
  3. Select Maven
  4. Copy the example snippet

Use maven

Use a WebJar with Gradle

  1. Visit https://www.webjars.org
  2. Enter the package name into search
  3. Select Gradle
  4. Copy the example snippet

Use Gradle

Create a WebJar from NPM

  1. Visit https://www.webjars.org
  2. Click add a WebJar WebJars home
  3. Select a NPM package to add Selector
    • Select type NPM
    • Choose the package name
    • Choose the version to add
  4. Click Deploy!

Create a WebJar from a local directory

  1. Build the project (usually npm run build)
  2. Build a jar of the project zip project.jar .
  3. Get the absolute path to the current folder pwd
  4. Goto the maven project
  5. mvn install:install-file ${path from step 3}/project.jar