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Releasing Components in the uPortal Ecosystem via Maven


There are 3 prerequisites to cutting maven releases:

  1. JIRA Account at Sonatype
  2. Permissions at Sonatype to release projects
    • This is granted via a Jira ticket from a uPortal committer
  3. Set up public PGP key on a server
    • Generate a key pair gpg2 --gen-key
    • If you choose to have an expiration date, edit the key via gpg2 --edit-key {key ID}
    • Determine the key ID and keyring file gpg2 --list-keys (the key ID is the pub ID)
    • Distribute your public key gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys {key ID}


Export your secret keyring via gpg2 --keyring secring.gpg --export-secret-keys > ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

Create a Sonatype user token via > Profile > User Tokens

In $HOME/.m2/settings.xml, configure Maven with your Sonatype user token:


Setup is only required to be done once.

Which Repo?

We encourage performing releases directly from a clone of the official repository rather than a fork to avoid extra steps.

This means when testing on uPortal-start for the release, you should use the apereo repository but configure the version of the component (eg the Bookmarks or Announcements portlet) to be the SNAPSHOT version that you’ll build in the following steps.


Build a clean version of uPortal-start with the quickstart data set and perform at least light testing, especially around features that have been fixed or enhanced.

Prepare For Testing

Check the styling:

$ mvn notice:generate
$ mvn license:format
$ mvn javadoc:fix

Review any changes from the styling tasks and commit them.

If you run into issues with the Maven task not finding licenses for dependencies, Maven will create a dependency mapping file that you should fold into the primary license-mapping.xml file located at

Install the build locally:

$ mvn clean install

Ideally, committers will be running the mvn notice, license, and javadoc before they commit changes to the repo. If there are changes needed, review the differences, and then commit to master:

$ git commit -am "chore: pre-release prep"

Point your uPortal-start to the local component build: Using the component’s version, configure uPortal-start to pick it up in .../apereo/uPortal-start/

For example, if you are building version 3.5.1-SNAPSHOT of the Bookmarks portlet, you’d configure .../apereo/uPortal-start/ with bookmarksPortletVersion=3.5.1-SNAPSHOT.

Run uPortal-start with the local build

$ ./gradlew clean portalInit


Cut Release

If you had to commit changes for the styling, push them to the repo.

Run the following command in the directory of the component’s clone. If this is your first time, run each release: command separately so if there’s a failure in the process, it’ll be easier to diagnose and restart.

$ mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform

:Note: During the release tasks, you will be prompted for a release version (e.g. 3.5.1), release tag, and new development version. Press Enter for the defaults. The release process will then create two commits - a commit to set the new version (3.5.1), and a commit to set the version to the new snapshot (3.5.2-SNAPSHOT)

Close and Release from Nexus Staging Repository

Close the release in Sonatype to ensure the pushed Maven artifacts pass checks:

  1. Log into
  2. Search among Build Promotion > Staging Repositories for your username
  3. Review the release for the expected artifacts
  4. Select the uPortal artifact you staged and hit “Close”
    • The lifecycle is Open --> Closed --> Released
  5. Wait a few minutes for the component’s artifact to close
  6. Release the artifact, and put the tag name in the description
    • Leave ‘Automatically Drop’ checked.

Create Release Notes

  1. Use Git to inspect the incremental commits since the last release (e.g. $ git log v3.5.0..3.5.1 --no-merges)
  2. Review the issue tracker and confirm that the referenced issues have been Resolved
  3. Enter the release notes on the GitHub releases page in the component’s repo
    • It’s helpful to use the previous release notes as a guide
    • Each commit type goes into a sub section with the type as a header (Fixes, Chores, Features, etc…).

Update uPortal-start

Open a Pull Request on uPortal-start to update the version of the newly released component. Do a quick smoke test to ensure it built:

$ cd {uPortal-start repo}
$ ./gradlew tomcatStop
.../uPortal-start$ ./gradlew clean tomcatDeploy
.../uPortal-start$ ./gradlew tomcatStart

Publish new docker demo of Quickstart

Publish a new apereo/uPortal-demo Docker image and update the :latest tag. Prerequisites:

$ cd {uPortal-start repo}
$ ./gradlew dockerBuildImageDemo
$ docker login
$ docker tag {version in format like 5.1.0} apereo/uportal-demo:latest
$ docker push apereo/uportal-demo:latest

Update Community

For any non-snapshot release, email an announcement to uportal-dev and uportal-user.

Have someone with access to the uPortal Twitter account announce the release.


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