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2019-01-02 uPortal Steering Committee Meeting Summary


Jim Helwig, Christian Murphy, Christian Cousquer, Drew Wills, Laura McCord

uPortal Winter Summit preparation

Julien and ChristianC continue to plan the French event while Drew and Laura are leading planning for the Arizona event. Promotions for each event should mention the other event. The two events will overlap each day, offering an opportunity for joint discussions. See the French summit program or the Arizona summit document for more information.

We will look at ways to facilitate collaboration and discussion around the uPortal roadmap before and during the summit. After the summit we will post a summary of the roadmap that is easily accessible from the uPortal documentation.

uPortal Steering Committee priorities for 2019

The uPSC facilitates work beyond the uPortal codebase itself. This year the committee intends to focus on improving communication. Specific areas include:

We will also work to build the uPortal Supporting Subscription program and identify the best use for its funds.