Enterprise open source portal built by and for the higher education community.
This project is maintained by uPortal-Project
Soffit projects often provide HTTP-based APIs for supplying data to UI components or performing operations on persistent data stores. In fact, this practice is preferred and recommended over Server-Side Rendering strategies that generate dynamic HTML with data already baked-in. Modules that provide separate “front-end” (UI) and “back-end” (server-side) logic are easier to understand, maintain, and extend.
In most cases these module-provided APIs follow the principals of Representational State Transfer (REST) and use JSON as a data exchange format. Both of these practices are also preferred and recommended.
Often these APIs require some information from a trusted source. For example, they may need to know the identity and/or characteristics of the user, may provide access to sensitive data, or both.
uPortal provides a simple, secure way of sharing this information with module-provided APIs (i.e.
APIs within uPortal modules). This capability is based on the
and Spring Security. The Java class files for this
feature are available in the uPortal-soffit-renderer
:notebook: A module need not be a Soffit to use these features, but it really should be a module. In other words, APIs that are secured using this approach should have providing data and services within the portal as their original and essential purpose. The reason for this distinction is that the information this approach provides is proxy of the user’s profile within the portal, and that may not be (often isn’t) the same thing as the user’s identity within the organization.
This capability is based on the SoffitApiPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter
and Spring Security.
The Java class files for this feature are available in the uPortal-soffit-renderer
The SoffitApiPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter
relies on a Bearer
token in the Authorization
HTTP header. You can obtain an appropriate token from uPortal’s userinfo
endpoint, which is found
at the following URI: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo
. Any portal user (including unauthenticated
users) may obtain a personal token from this endpoint. This token should be obtained with
JavaScript and passed (also with JavaScript) as a Bearer
token in the Authorization
header in
API requests.
Refer to the sections below to secure API endpoints and access information about the portal user.
Dependency (Gradle Example)compile "org.jasig.portal:uPortal-soffit-renderer:${uPortalVersion}"
This example defines the following rules for accessing API enpoints that begin with /api
and POST
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private String signatureKey;
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
* Since this module includes portlets, we only want to apply Spring Security to requests
* targeting our REST APIs.
final RequestMatcher pathMatcher = new AntPathRequestMatcher("/api/**");
final RequestMatcher inverseMatcher = new NegatedRequestMatcher(pathMatcher);
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
* Provide a SoffitApiPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter (from uPortal) that is NOT a
* top-level bean in the Spring Application Context.
final AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter filter =
new SoffitApiPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter(signatureKey);
* Session fixation protection is provided by uPortal. Since portlet tech requires
* sessionCookiePath=/, we will make the portal unusable if other modules are changing
* the sessionId as well.
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() {
return new SoffitApiAuthenticationManager();
public ErrorPageFilter errorPageFilter() {
return new ErrorPageFilter();
public FilterRegistrationBean disableSpringBootErrorFilter() {
* The ErrorPageFilter (Spring) makes extra calls to HttpServletResponse.flushBuffer(),
* and this behavior produces many warnings in the portal logs during portlet requests.
FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return filterRegistrationBean;
Information about the user can be obtained from the Spring SecurityContextHolder
final Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
final String username = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
final Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = authentication.getAuthorities();