2019-07-03 uPortal Steering Committee Meeting Summary
Jim Helwig, Laura McCord, Julien Gribonvald
Esup Days : 18 Sept 2019
- Julien will do a presentation on new features. Others may show what they have done and provide feedback.
- There is expected to be interest in examples of implementations based on uP 5.x, clarity on the uPortal roadmap, and information on other apps in the uPortal ecosystem.
Open Apereo follow-up
- There continues to be interest in a uPortal demo.
- There is interest in having examples of what replacing a portlet looks like so that implementers/developers know what to expect, especially the security aspect of moving to OpenID Connect.
- We still need to publish a uPortal annual report.
uPSC elections
- We have the following seats open:
- 2 community reps
- 2 developer reps
- 1 subscriber rep
- We will open for nominations in August and have voting in early September